Urban climate services: climate impact projections and their uncertainties at city scale, in FMI’s Climate Bulletin


In many cities across Europe, both urban authorities and private actors have made strong commitments to adapt to future climate changes. Although a lot of climate information is available at the global and regional scale, this is often not the case at the local urban scale. Moreover, such information should account for a wide range of uncertainty factors ranging from global to city-scale development scenarios to uncertainties due to model errors. In an effort to lay the methodological groundworks for reliable urban climate services, URCLIM explores a compound handling of these uncertainties for various European cities and applies it to the assessment of adaptation measures.

How cite this article: Van Schaeybroeck B., Bucher B., Chitu Z., Christophe S., Fortelius C., Hamdi R., Masson V., Perrels A., and Wichers Schreur B. (2020): Urban climate services: climate impact projections and their uncertainties at city scale, FMI’s Climate Bulletin: Research Letters, 2(1), 10, DOI: https://doi.org/10.35614/ISSN-2341-6408-IK-2020-05-RL